About the book

Motivate your BPD clients with values-based treatment! This 16-week ACT protocol will help you get started today.

As you know, clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and emotion dysregulation often struggle with negative beliefs about themselves—beliefs that can lead to feelings of shame, problems with personal relationships, and dangerous behaviors. And while dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is the standard treatment for BPD, more and more, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has shown promising results when treating BPD clients by helping them focus on their core values and forgiveness.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder provides a comprehensive program for delivering ACT to clients with BPD. Using the session-by-session, 16-week protocol in this professional guide, you can help clients work through the main driver behind BPD—experiential avoidance—and gain the psychological flexibility needed to balance their emotions and begin healing. You can use this protocol on its own, or in conjunction with treatment.

With this guide, you’ll learn to target the fundamental causes of BPD for better treatment outcomes and happier, healthier clients.

What’s inside

Chapter 1: What is Emotional Regulation?

Chapter 2: What is ACT?

Chapter 3: ACT for Emotion Regulation

Chapter 4: Orientation to Treament

Chapter 5: Session 1: The Basics of Emotional Awareness

Chapter 6: Session 2: Emotional Awareness

Chapter 7: Session 3: Emotional Awareness

Chapter 8: Session 4: Emotional Awareness

Chapter 9: Session 5: Emotional Awareness

Chapter 10: Session 6: Thought Awarness

Chapter 11: Session 7: Thought Awarness

Chapter 12: Session 8: Thoughts as Stories

Chapter 13: Session 9: Body Awareness

Chapter 14: Session 10: Body Awareness

Chapter 15: Session 11: Interpersonal Awareness

Chapter 16: Session 12: Interpersonal Awareness

Chapter 17: Session 13: Conflict Tactics: The Heart of the Problem

Chapter 18: Session 14: Interpersonal Awareness

Chapter 19: Session 15: Radical Awarness

Chapter 20: Session 16: ACT Lab

Chapter 21: ACT for Behavioral Regulation

About Dr. Z.

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Dr. Z, is a clinical psychologist specialized in working with children, adolescents, and adults struggling with OCD, anxiety, and emotion regulation problems. She’s the founder of the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center, a boutique therapy practice, where she runs an intensive outpatient program integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) to support clients getting stuck from obsessions, figure out what they care about, and do stuff that matters to them.

Dr. Z. is a Fellow from the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS), member of the OCD San Francisco Bay Area (affiliate from the International OCD Foundation), and a chair of committee for the Anxiety and Depression American Association (ADAA).


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