I’m not a writer… and I love to write

The first time I was invited to collaborate on a writing project it was 10 years ago, and I quickly said “no.” I didn’t think I was ready. 30-days later, I jumped into it. It was hard and completely worthy. I learned tons.

Over the years, my clients often asked me about relevant resources to our work; because of their request, my passion, and commitment to disseminate research-based skills, I started writing.

I honestly didn’t know what I was getting into because writing not only helped me to a better clinicians but it also lead me to discover a new passion of mine: translating into written format “how I work with my clients and the skills that are helpful to get them unstuck.” 

The books I write are based on behavioral science, Acceptance and Commitment skills, affective science and organizational psychology. They’re also specialize books that target specific stuck points related to fear-based reactions such as: anxiety, procrastination, perfectionism, worry, OCD, emotion regulation, and so on.

I do my best to write in a jargon-free, real and practical style. 




This potent and portable guide focuses on one of the core skills of DBT: distress tolerance. With this book, you’ll learn that you are strong enough to weather life’s storms. You can handle whatever stress or setback life throws your way. And you can face your own difficult thoughts and feelings head on—without avoidance, anger, or despair.

Book Cover Distress Tolerance Made Easy


Written by a team of mental health experts, Healing Emotional Pain Workbook is a step-by-step guide to understanding your emotions and enhancing your overall well-being. Rather than a one-size-fits-all treatment, this workbook takes a tailored approach to help you treat the root cause of your emotional pain—whether it’s avoidance, internalization, or rumination. As a result, you’ll create a personalized plan to help you overcome intense emotions and live the life you want.

Book Cover Healing Emotional Pain


 This workbook teaches readers research-based skills based on Acceptance and Commitment skills (ACT) to harness the power of high achieving and perfectionistic actions without losing themselves. 



If you are newly diagnosed with OCD, are currently receiving treatment, or are in the post-treatment phase, this workbook offers you hands-on Exposure (ERP) & Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) skills to help you move forward, develop a new relationship with thinking, and approach obsessions.

You will get real guidance, real skills, real how-tos, and real takeaways to tackle OCD episodes and get your life back on track!



Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder provides a comprehensive program for delivering ACT to clients with BPD. Using the session-by-session, 16-week protocol in this professional guide, you can help clients work through the main driver behind BPD—experiential avoidance—and gain the psychological flexibility needed to balance their emotions and begin healing. You can use this protocol on its own, or in conjunction with treatment.

Book Cover ACT for BPD


This workbook teaches teens research-based skills based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) to handle those pesky obsessions that show up in their mind and do the stuff that matters to them.

Teenagers don’t like to be told what to do, or what to think. They like to “choose” how to handle their struggles



This is the book you have been looking for if you’re a super-feeler: “feeling too much, too quick, and acting too soon;” as if instead of having an emotional dial, you have a switch that goes on and off, anytime and anywhere.

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Are you losing your mind?

Does it feel like every conversation with your teen is a challenging one?

Do you wonder why your teen feels too much, too quick, and acts too soon?

This book will help you to understand what’s going to with your teens, how to be the parent or caregiver you want to be without loosing your mind!

Don’t let the title of this book mislead you!

This book is the perfect reading if you raising a teen that is a super-feeler, a teen that “feels too much, too quick, and acts too soon.”

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This is the perfect skills-book for you to learn life-skills to handle effectively anxiety, fear, anger, shame, and different types of emotion-driven behaviors.

It includes an assessment of the most common responses you engage when dealing with uncomfortable emotions and based on the results, it lays out specific skills and chapters for you to start working on right away.

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