Three micro-skills in managing anxiety

Three micro-skills in managing anxiety

Dealing effectively with anxiety and the discomfort that comes with it is a fundamental skill. It allows you to do what you care about and excel in life, especially when facing unfamiliar situations or unpleasant moments.

In this episode, I interviewed Dr. Joel Minden. ​​He is the director of the Chico Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (A-CBT),  and the author of the anxiety management self-help book,Show Your Anxiety Who’s Boss.”

Key Takeaways

In this interview, Joel and I discussed:

  • Three particular skills to manage anxiety (based on the book “Show Your Anxiety Who’s Boss”)
  • How to practice acceptance when dealing with anxious thoughts
  • How to deal with uncertainty
  • How to practice exposure exercises
  • Misconceptions about behaviorism


Show notes with time-stamps

00:00 Welcome to the Anxiety Management Conversation
10:52 Exploring Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance
17:39 The STUF Acronym: A Tool for Managing Emotions
28:45 The Importance of Authenticity and Acceptance in Therapy

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Six ACT microskills to deal with academic anxiety

Six ACT microskills to deal with academic anxiety

When you transition from high school to college – as it’s called in the United States – or to a University – as it’s called in other parts of the world, such as South America or Europe – you go through a significant life adjustment.

As exciting as it is, there are also a lot of changes happening at once: you need to introduce yourself to new people, get adjusted to living at a different location, be in charge of your own meals, attend classes very early in the morning, speak with the register’s office if something is off, trying to fit in with your new peers, and even finding new hobbies.

On top of that, you have to manage fears of failing, dealing with test anxiety, saying the wrong thing or acting in the wrong way to the point that you may engage in playing-it-safe actions like procrastinating, skipping classes, avoiding submitting a paper if it’s not perfect, and many more.

In this episode, I chat with Nic Hooper, a clinical psychologist and a senior lecturer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at Cardiff University in England. 

In 2017 Nic Hooper, began to write a book of life advice to his son, Max, which was to be given to him on his eighteenth birthday. Over time, that book slowly transformed into The Unbreakable Student.

This is an authentic conversation that places values at the forefront.

Key Takeaways

You will listen in particular to:

academic anxiety


Resources from Dr. Z’s desk

Show notes with time-stamps

00:13 Dr. Z. and the Power of Behavioral Science
02:16 Navigating Life’s Challenges with Dr. Nic Hooper
19:55 The Unbreakable Student: A Guide for Navigating University Life

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Sitting with uncomfortable emotions if you don’t overthink

Sitting with uncomfortable emotions if you don’t overthink

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you subtract overthinking for hours, what are you left with?

      • Uncomfortable emotions.
      • And a mind attempting to make sense of those feelings (I’m using emotions and feelings interchangeably).

And as much as there are hundreds of messages to fix our emotions, to understand them, to make sense of them. There are emotions to feel and there are emotions to be tossed. But to make the distinction, when dealing with overthinking rabbit holes, you need to check what are the thoughts about emotions your mind is holding onto.

I feel it; therefore, it’s true.

We all struggle to distinguish what’s happening in a moment from what our mind tells us is happening; it’s as if the feeling of the moment dictates reality. For example, if I’m taking an elevator and have shortness of breath, my mind could anticipate that being in the elevator is unsafe, that I may have a panic attack, that I may need to avoid taking elevators in the future. And just like that, he decides to avoid taking an elevator because of all those reasons my mind is giving me. It’s as if because I feel something, is true.

My uncomfortable feelings will last forever

As uncomfortable as feelings can be, they do have a life of their own: they usually last for seconds and dissipate one after another. When emotions are left alone, on average they may last 90-seconds, including the uncomfortable ones.

It’s always good to think about my feelings 

If you have watched the movie Inside Out, you may agree that every emotion is trying to convey something to us, including the uncomfortable ones. But identifying what an emotion is trying to communicate to us is very different than mulling over the emotion over and over (as I do when complaining about the water company I have to deal with).  Dwelling endlessly on our feelings can actually amplify the intensity and duration of them and that applies to all feelings.

I feel it, therefore I need to act on it

We feel what we feel, and our mind instantaneously comes up with thoughts about what to do in that situation. It is as if whatever we feel means that we have to act on. Think about this: if you’re driving in your car, you hear about a new type of virus, and if you’re prone to overthinking, then naturally, your mind will come up with what-if thoughts. Along those what-if-thoughts, you may notice your teeth clenching, your face flashing .. and then quickly your mind will push you to rehearse all different ways to handle that possibility of having that virus .. and then you’re worrying for hours in your head, attempting to solve a hypothesis. What a waste of energy!

Having a feeling doesn’t mean acting on the feeling

It’s natural to overthink and sometimes it’s necessary, but when overthinking has its own journey and takes you away from being present in your life then it’s acting as a form of avoidance. As a form of protecting yourself from sitting with those uncomfortable feelings and all the thoughts, your mind comes to about the feelings and that particular situation.

No matter how terrible the emotion is, it’s the way you think about it, that prolongs it for looooooooooong periods and if you act on those feelings, then you keep prolonging those uncomfortable emotions. Thinking about the situation over and over, dwelling on it, getting upset at us for being upset at a situation, trying to come up with a positive emotion right away, etc .. and any other thinking strategy just makes things worse for you.

As much as we would like to control our feelings, especially the uncomfortable ones, we don’t have control of them; we only have control of our behavioral responses to a given feeling.

We just don’t have control of what we feel, we feel what we feel.

And you can handle that.


How to put acceptance skills into action when struggling with repetitive negative thinking

How to put acceptance skills into action when struggling with repetitive negative thinking

Repetitive negative thinking (RNT) is a core feature of chronic worry, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and Depression. Recently, some studies have shown promising results with brief protocols of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) focused on RNT in the treatment of emotional disorders in adults.

The current study analyzes the effect of an individual, 3-session, RNT-focused ACT protocol in the treatment of severe and comorbid GAD and depression.

Specifically, Dr. Ruiz’s work has focused on developing an ACT-based intervention model designed to dismantle dysfunctional patterns of Repetitive Negative Thinking (RNT), including worry and rumination, known as RNT-focused ACT.

Key Takeaways

In this episode you will hear:

  • What is repetitive negative thinking
  • How acceptance and commitment therapy can help you to tackle persistent thoughts about the past or the future
  • What defusion is
  • What willingness is
Acceptance and commitment therapy


Resources from Dr. Z.

00:00 Understanding Repetitive Negative Thinking
01:31 Meet Dr. Francisco Ruiz: An Expert on ACT and RFT
03:20 The Personal Journey to Studying Repetitive Negative Thinking
20:23 Introducing ACT-Based Interventions for Repetitive Negative Thinking
33:20 The Impact of ACT on Repetitive Negative Thinking: A Study Overview

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Respond to those urges to overthink with kindness

Respond to those urges to overthink with kindness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Every time I notice I’m getting into a rabbit hole of thinking, I tell myself, “Here is my worry-maker announcing its arrival..” and then move on with my day, just like nothing has bothered my mind ..” .. just kidding!!!!

When catching a thought that could lead me to an overthinking hole….

  • What If I cannot handle what happens?
  • If that were to happen, I would never be able to be okay with myself
  • I don’t recall exactly what I said, and now I cannot let it go. I need to know what I said.
  • I won’t make it.
  • Can’t stop thinking of the time in which I made a mistake.
  • What – if
  • It’s my responsibility to make sure things go well.
  • If I’m thinking a lot about it, it means it’s important.
  • If I don’t know all options, I cannot move forward with my decision

I noticed a recurring theme: a push to overthink, to dwell, to spend hours and hours solving this thinking problem, and with it, to play-it-safe. Who doesn’t play-it-safe? And yet, all those overthinking strategies – playing-it-safe moves as I call them – can lead us to live in our head while life passes by in front of us.

Not our fault. We’re prone to overthinking by design, because of evolution. But, when going along with those urges, then . . . we are at the mercy of our overthinking patterns.

You can get unstuck from overthinking patterns

So far, you have learned what makes overthinking worse, to recognize the types of overthinking you’re prone to, to watch your mind and its minding, to bring yourself back to the life you’re missing when engaging in overthinking patterns, and to observe those thinking patterns without getting swept away by them.

Those micro-skills help. And, you and I know that making a shift comes with urges to go back to the old behaviors, to the old ways of responding to thinking with more thinking; to the behaviors that have been reinforced hundreds of times.

Treat those urges to overthink with kindness

Acknowledge your urge for overthinking, respond to it with kindness and caring. There are hundreds of definitions of self-compassion; sometimes people think about it like flowers and butterflies. But, putting it simple self-compassion is:

  • Treating yourself with kindness, gentleness, and caring.
  • A real-time decision you make without attachment to any outcome
  • A choice you make to make room for uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, urges, and sensations.

Sometimes people decide to fight those urges to overthink.. and while those thinking responses work for a little bit, it’s a matter of time the mind comes up with another thought that pulls into a rabbit hole of thinking. We’re never going to win our minds by responding to thinking with more thinking.

But recognizing that we’re struggling, that we’re getting stuck with a pull to dwell on our thoughts and live in our head, and respond to those moments of stuckness with caring is much more courageous.

One compassionate action

When noticing the urge to overthink – whether you’re driving, eating a piece of dark chocolate, drinking a glass of scotch, or enjoying a meal with your partner – take a deep breath, adjust your posture, maybe lift up your shoulders, and then tell yourself something along the lines of “I’m struggling right now, this is hard.”

The key to practicing self-compassion is to acknowledge that you are struggling in those moments with a push to jump into overthinking land . . .  and that you make a decision to respond yourself with kindness and with gentleness.  If your mind were to be an overprotective friend of yours – so you don’t make a fool of yourself – how would you respond? Perhaps you will say things like, “easy my friend, let’s go easy with those urges .. I get it, this is hard . . . and let’s just be gentle . . . we don’t need to jump into thinking land right now . . . ”

When you learn to face those urges for overthinking with gentleness, you also learn to move from living in your head to living in the present, because you are not busy any longer, trying to control your mind or responding to thinking with more thinking.

Dr. Z on loneliness

Dr. Z on loneliness

Most people are uncomfortable with loneliness because it means facing yourself without distractions.

But, as much as you don’t like it, you can learn from it and perhaps even cultivate it.

Sometimes, without realizing and other times, intentionally. We do all types of things to avoid feeling lonely and to manage our sense of loneliness..

But, how do those strategies work in our life? And if they’re not working, what can you do about it…that’s what this episode is about!

Key Takeaways

In this episode, you will be invited to:

  • Reflect on how you handle loneliness
  • Your playing-it-safe moves when feeling alone 
  • How to cultivate loneliness without losing yourself

Show notes with time-stamps

00:00 Welcome to Planet Safe Podcast: Overcoming Fear-Based Reactions
01:00 Understanding Loneliness: Insights and Practical Tips
04:05 Exploring Everyday Loneliness and Its Impact
07:52 Practical Exercises to Embrace Loneliness
08:55 Navigating the Challenges of Chronic Loneliness




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