Our minds need to make sense of things that happen to us, all the time, and one way in which they do so is by telling stories, narratives, and tales about who we are, what has happened or not happened to us, why you behave in one way or another.
When your mind is in story-telling mode, all those thoughts – no matter how absurd or unlikely they are, – they seem so true to you.
Your mind has a hard time telling the difference between fact and fiction, and if you don’t pay attention, you will get hooked on those thoughts; and when getting hooked, you will take those stories as the absolute truth.
Right now, you may have several stories coming into your mind about who you are and you may have an urge to do something about those stories.
Before doing anything, I want to invite you to listen to this episode and learn 7 skills – based on Acceptance and Commitment training – that you can put into action when your mind is in story-telling mode and taking you into confusion land.