dynamic presentation
Imagine for a moment that all knowledge is represented in the shape of a pie that adds up to 100%; there is maybe 5% of things we know, another 15% of what know we don’t know, and 80% of things we don’t know we don’t know.
Reality is that as much as we want, wish, and hope for, we don’t know the answer to many things: Am I making the right decision? Am I going to be accepted? Is this the right way to spend my time? Is this a good partner for me? Would I like this job?
Though it is not comfortable, all those thoughts demand you to act and solve the unbearable “not-knowing” problem.
But, what if instead of rushing toward action, pushing away the discomfort that comes with “not knowing,” you learn to handle those urges, those certainty-seeking behaviors, those annoying emotions, and learn acceptance-based skills to move forward with the stuff that matters to you.
What if instead of running away from not knowing you learn to “see what’s really out there” and inside you?
From constantly needing to-know to living with uncertainty and doing what matters

This workshop is jargon-free, full of hands-on skills to put into action right away, and with many insights from current psychological science.
The overall format of this presentation can be summarize in “less talking, and more practicing”
What’s unique about this presentation?

♦ Unpretentious.
♦ Uncomplicated.
♦ As real as it gets.
♦ Full of passion to spread the word about research-based skills.
♦ Full of commitment to impact those hooks that keep people stuck.
♦ Tons of behaviorism blended with compassion and caring for the people I work with.
What’s unique of my style?
2 – 2.5 hours
8 – 10 hours
12 – 16 hours