Now that you have identified your values-based actions (part 2), must-do tasks (part 4), and fun activities (part 3), let’s schedule them. You may wonder, Why do I have to schedule them, if I know what I need to do? A simple reason: tracking what we do and how we spend our time keeps us accountable and motivates us to keep moving.
Our calendars reflect how we want to live our life. Share on X
So, here is what you need to do:
- Grab a pen and a weekly calendar (like the one below).
- Go back to the exercise identifying values-based activities and, looking at your week, schedule one values-based activity. Next to it, enter the letter “V” for values.
- Go back to the exercise identifying fun, enjoyable, and pleasurable activities, and schedule one of those activities. Next to it, enter the letter “F” for fun.
- Go back to the exercise identifying must-do activities you need to take care of and schedule one of them. Next to it, enter the letter “O” for must-do.
You can start scheduling one activity from each category, and increase them as you move forward. Slow but steady!
As you complete this exercise, you will see that your weekly calendar is the first step to activating the life you want to have.
Exercise: Building your weekly calendar
Congratulations, now you have your weekly calendar. That’s a big step!
Living the life you’re designing is possible. And yet, it won’t be handed to you on a silver platter. So, let’s anticipate and go over potential roadblocks that may come your way as you get back into your life (part 5).