Getting mobilized: from behavioral withdrawal to behavioral activation (part 4)

Disengaging and using safety crutches, Procrastinating, postponing and delaying

In part 3 of this series getting mobilized, you were invited to identify all those fun activities that you have been postponing. Now, the reality is that our lives also involve activities that must get done: paying bills, going to medical appointments, grocery shopping, and so forth.

If you have been dealing with shame, low mood, depression, or anxiety, it’s quite likely that you have also disconnected from these activities as well. As a result, you may have a pile of postponed responsibilities that are causing you more distress than the actual steps you need to take care of them.

Let’s do an inventory of all those activities you need to do and have been procrastinating right now.

Exercise: Identifying must-do activities you need to take care of


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If you have been completing all exercises from part 1, part 2, and part 3, by now, you have a solid inventory of the stuff you care about, stuff that is fun, and stuff you need to do that you have been disengaged and disconnected from. This is a great starting point to continue making a shift into getting mobilized and living the life you want to live.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Dr. Seuss

The next blog post focuses on putting all of them together in your weekly calendar you can you get back on track!

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