dynamic presentation

Every day you wake up, your mind wakes up too, and with it the sounds of worry, fear, and anxious thoughts, wake up too. It’s unstoppable and unavoidable to have them because that’s what the mind does.

What if my boss doesn’t like the project? What if it rains when I’m hiking? Would I like the play tonight? Would I have someone to talk to at the party? The list of worry thoughts is endless, limitless, and can vary from the most regular ones to the most bizarre ones.

And what do you do with all that noise in your head? Quite likely you get entangled with thinking, dwelling, and mulling over and over again.

Getting stuck in your head when you need it is one thing, but getting stuck in your head every time there is a “what if” thought popping up, that is a different story.

In this presentation you will learn how to stop living full time in your head, create the relationships you want to create, and get back into your life and the stuff that matters to you most.

Let go of your worries and live your life.

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  • Stop getting hooked on those worry, anxious, and fearful thoughts.
  • Detach from the noise that shows up in your head.
  • Check how you want to show up to yourself when getting inundated with worries, fears, and anxieties.
  • Make room to handle the internal discomfort that comes with “what if” thoughts.
  • Practice caring behaviors when dealing with worry thoughts.
  • Get back into your life and do the stuff that matters to you.

What will participants learn? 

This workshop is jargon-free, full of hands-on skills to put into action right away, and with many insights from current psychological science.

The overall format of this presentation can be summarize in this sentence, “less talking, more practicing, and more living.” 


What’s unique about this presentation? 

  • Unpretentious.
  • Uncomplicated.
  • As real as it gets.
  • Full of passion to spread the word about research-based skills derived from social psychology and behavioral science.
  • Full of commitment to impact those hooks that keep people stuck
  • Tons of behaviorism blended with compassion and caring for the people I work with.

What’s unique my style? 

What if most of the noise in your mind goes to the background by learning research-based skills to get unstuck from worries, obsessions, anxieties, fears, and ineffective playing-it-safe actions?

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