Ever catch yourself engaging in incessant mind chatter in a high-stakes situation? The kind that fills your head with self-doubt, comparisons, and anticipations of failure?

You’re not alone. We all do it. But what if there was a way to overcome these self-limiting beliefs and embrace life’s challenges with confidence?

I had a chance to talk to Dr. Mitchell Greene, Ph.D. regarding performance anxiety, managing self-doubt, and comparison thoughts among athletes or overthinkers.

If you have been following the podcast, you know by now that by making room for your thoughts, rather than struggling against them, you can redirect your focus towards the present moment and towards what matters.

In today’s episode, we discussed other micro-skills to manage mental chatter with curiosity and courage.

Key Takeaways

  • The pitfalls of positive thinking
  • Managing mind chatter
  • How to shift your attention from hypothetical worries to the present moment
  • Redirecting your attention from “what if” to “what is”
  • How to manage lapses in confidence
  • An effective mindset to perform challenging tasks
  • Exploring the concept of positive thinking
  • Understanding mind chatter and its impact
  • Strategies for managing mind chatter
  • Applying mind chatter management in real life scenarios

About Dr. Mitchell Greene, Ph.D.

Dr. Mitchell Greene is a nationally recognized licensed clinical and sport psychologist, whose success over the past 15-plus years is his ability to tailor personalized solutions to his client’s problems. Dr. Greene works primarily with athletes pursuing high performance goals, or coaches and athletic departments looking to educate their student-athletes on mental health and performance enhancement strategies.

In 2023, Dr. Greene published Courage over Confidence: Managing Mind Chatter and Winning the Mental Game, a book based on his years of working with high-performing athletes who struggle with managing doubts and negative thinking. His book has spent time as a top 5 “Youth Sport” and “Sport Psychology” Book on Amazon. Athletes and teams have purchased Dr. Greene’s book as an off-season guide to help them train their mind for competition, as well as an in-season resource to improve their mental game.

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