Ways to skillfully navigate with the fear of judgement

Accepting negative stories about myself and questioning my abilities

“Three things in human life are important.
The first is to be kind.
The second is to be kind.
And the third is to be kind.”

– Henry James

This is a personal conversation I had with Chris Brock, a magazine editor and journalist, who kindly shares the stuckness he went through when feeling lost despite having done all things right on paper  (e.g. having a job, getting married, completing a degree, etc). 

Have you ever felt like Chris?

Who doesn’t feel lost

How did you get back into your life?

Key Takeaways

Chris, courageously and kindly shared, how he:

Finally, I’ll leave you with Chris’ words:

“Only when we are truly ourselves, can we live a life that is truly our own.”  

About Chris Brock

Over the years Chris has done lots of jobs and been to lots of places. He’s been a professional photographer, a magazine editor and journalist, worked as a van driver, a carer for people with disabilities, worked in a bank, and been a kitchen hand. He’s lived in London and New York, travelled to Indonesia, Hong Kong, Los Angeles and all over Europe.

He discovered a practice of presence, mindfulness and exploration that helps me to understand that there are things that he can control and things that he can’t control, and that by focusing on those things that he could control, he could exert some influence over the things he couldn’t. By nurturing his inner world, his outer world became more vibrant, more textured, and new depths of being, seeing and understanding revealed themselves to him. He’s on a journey to find out how we can shed everything that is ‘not’, to discover everything that ‘is’.

fear of judgement


Show notes with time-stamps

01:14 Chris Brock’s Diverse Career and Current Focus
02:06 The Essence of Wellbeing and Personal Growth
03:22 A Deep Dive into Mindfulness and Meditation
03:36 The Transformative Power of Inner Work
04:56 Chris’s Personal Journey Through Dark Times
06:49 Embracing Meditation in Daily Life
14:36 Dealing with Overwhelming Thoughts and Emotions
16:52 Understanding and Practicing Meditation
22:35 Facing Fears and Cultivating Non-Judgment
31:00 The Impact of Inner Work on Personal and Professional Life

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